PRO Effects - Sci-Fi Shooter FX

by Knife


PRO Effects Sci-Fi Shooter FX has some really compelling particles.

I wasn't able to integrate everything 1:1.

Due to the way the particles are set up and scripted, it was not possible to extract the exact look and feel of all of the projectiles, and not all were integrated.

However, I did add a few extra new ones based on the content in the package.

Changes Made

Removing Classes

I've removed the control classes from the Projectiles, since Projectile Factory will handle that logic.

Play On Awake: True

Muzzle / Emitters are now "Play on Awake" (only the new prefabs, not the originals), and the emitters will be handled the same as muzzles, instantiated on Projectile spawning.


The scale on all objects appears to be about 1/3rd what I would expect. In many cases, I've increased the size to 3x or even 9x what was set.

Trail Renderers

Many of the projectiles have trail renderes, which cause visual issues when they are returned from the pool. Those projetiles have a ToggleTrailRendererObjectsDestroyAndLaunchObserverObject component on them. This will turn them off and on appropraitely with the right code to clear their positions and remove the visual effect.

Additional Changes for Some Beams

In this screenshot from the Big Laser Beam Projectile, I've had to move the "Lighting" object into a parent object, since the pivot point on the Lightning object is in the middle, causing the line to scale in two directions with the ScaleFromRaycastLength component.

This component, created scales an object on X, Y, and/or Z axis to the legth sent by the RaycastShooter. This is useful for things like "Instant Hit" laser beams which do not use a LineRenderer. In this case, they use a mesh, and the mesh needs to be scaled.

Last updated