Sampler Sphere


The Sampler Sphere is just a very small, simple white sphere with the default white material on it.

You do not have to do anything to the Sampler Sphere. This page is for informational purposes only 🎉

Note the layer is set to ColorSampler.

Unity won't import layers when you import the project, and since you may already have layers set up, it would be dangerous for the package to do this for you. Please make sure you create a "ColorSampler" layer, and assign that to the sphere.

⚠️ Each light, if you'd like it to contribute to the sample, should include this layer in its Culling Mask.

⚠️ Your main camera can exclude this layer, so that it doesn't accidentally draw the Sampler Sphere in the scene.

The Sphere is very small, so that the chance of anything coming between it and the Sampler Camera is minimized. However, this is possible. If the Sampler Camera is blocked, the average color will change.

If your Runtime Listener objects have a transition time set, then any impact from a brief block of the Sampler Sphere will me minimal, and perhaps not noticed at all.

Last updated