Requisite Attributes


The Requisite Attributes section allows you to add both Required and Incompatible attributes.

Required Attributes

As seen above, the ItemAttribute "Rare" is required, meaning that when "of Ice" is added to a GameItemAttributeList (perhaps the one that is attached to a GameItemObject), the "Rare" ItemAttribute will be added as well, replacing any other "Rarity" attributes.

Incompatible Attributes

The "of Ice" ItemAttribute is incompatibel with the Flaming ItemAttribute.

This means that if the Flaming ItemAttribute is already present in a GameItemAttributeList, Add() and ReceiveTransfer() methods will return null, being unable to add the "of Ice" attribute to the list.

Setting an attribute incompatile does not automatically create the connection the other way around. The logic around incompatiblity and required attributes may not be the same in every project, so rather than dictate, we let you decide how to handle things.

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