Effects on Points


The values here will impact the "Point" value on the stats affected. In most cases, the point value should not be modified by external sources. However, for Stat objects used as counters, like "Experience" or "Hit Points", using the point value is helpful.

"Counter" stats are stats which can not be trained or modified by other stat values. Think of counters like "Gold" or "Experience" or "Hit Points" -- these can go up and down, and can change. Learn more on the GameStat page.


The effects can be one time, or if "Periodic" is true, can happen repeatedly while the condition is active. You are able to select how often it repeats based on in-game minutes.


A Target is required, this is the Stat which will have its points affected.

In this example, every 1 in-game minute, the "Hit Points" stat will lose 1 point.


If the "Caster" has the Stat in the Source "Stat Required" field, additional point effects can occur.

In this example, if the "Caster" has the Water stat, then an additional -0.1 to 0.2 points will be added to Hit Points. This means, if "Final Stat" = 10, the total Hit Points removed would be between 2 and 3, with "1" constant and a random value between (10 * -0.1) and (10 * -.2) from the Water stat. As the values are negative, points will be removed rather than added.

Multiple Point Effect Objects

As with Condition Time, you can have multiple Point Effect objects, each affecting a different stat, or the same stat in different ways.

v3.3 Update: Min/Max values are now provided rather than a single set value.

Last updated