Blackboard Values


Blackboard Values

Blackboard Values are objects which can be added to the Blackboard, to be added to the Blackboard upon Start(). These can be added directly to a blackboard object in the startingValues list. These will be added to the Blackboard on Awake().

To create a Blackboard Values object, right click in your project and select Create/Game Modules/Create/Blackboard Values

On this object, you can add new Blackboard Notes with a topic and subject. You can also expose specific data types, and set starting values.

Add the Blackboard Values object to the Blackboard object in your scene, and these notes will be added at the start of the game. If there are already notes with the same topic/subject pair, the default values will NOT overwrite the values that already exist.

Exposed data types will be useful for future updates of other modules, which may automatically work with the Blackboard Notes, and make use of which data types are exposed.

Otherwise, all datatypes are available on the Blackboard Note even if they are not exposed.

Last updated