Tracked Target Compass Radar


Add the Tracked Target Compass Radar component to any object you'd like to track with the Compass or Radar.

Tracking Type

You can select how the object will appear on the Compass or Radar object.

Point North

This will ensure the icon always points toward the "North" as set in the Global Northstar Settings. This implies there will be a custom Tracked Object Icon, specific for this purpose. The icon is positioned in the center of the Compass/Radar, and rotates.

This may mean that the prefab you use has a visilble icon that is offset vertically above the center point, so that as the object rotates, the visible icon rotates around the Compass/Radar.

Point at Target

With this selected, the icon will point toward the Tracked Target, relative to the player, which is the center of the Compass/Radar. This implies there should be a custom icon prefab, similar to Point North.

If Adjust based on Player Icon is on, the system will look for an icon with the PlayerForward tracking type, and will offset the rotation based on that icon. This is useful when the player is not always pointing "up" on the Compass/Radar, so that objects are properly positioned relative to the player forward direction.

If there is no icon with PlayerForward selected, then this value will have no effect.

Relative Point

This will position the icon relative to the player on the Compass/Radar. This is the common setting for displaying where objects are on the Compass/Radar.

Do Not Move

When this is selected, the icon will not move.

Player Forward

When selected, the object will always point toward the forward direction of the player.

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