



This is the player object, and will need to be populated. Once populated, if you switch to another compass or radar, this value should be copied to the new prefab you're using.

Default Tracked Icon Prefab

This is the tracked icon that will be used by default. Individual tracked objects may override this value, but this still needs to be populated.

The package comes with Target Icon Default, which you can use here if you'd like. You can also create your own.

Tracked Target Range Settings

Detection Range

This is the range at which the compass will detect ANY object, in world space. Objects further than this will not be displayed on the compass.

Object Range

In world space, this is the minimum and maximum range that maps the relative distance from the player in the compass. In the example above, the max value is 50, meaning all objects between 50 and 75 units from the player will be displayed at the outer edge of the compass UI circle.

UI Range from Center

In pixels, this is the minimum and maximum pixel count from the center of the compass to the outer edge of the compass circle. This maps directly with the Object Range values.

Fade On Distance

When toggled on, this provides a minimum and maximum distance, in world space, at which the UI icon on the compass will fade out. Generally the max value should be the same as the Detection Range.

Fade on Y Delta

When toggled on, this will fade the UI icon based on the delta between the player Y position and the object Y position, which means if the target is sufficiently higher or lower than the player, it will fade out and then not display.

Preset Objects

Preset objects are children of the Compass object, often with UI images as well. They can move at runtime to track specific objects, and more. These are populated automatically, based on child objects which have a Compass Icon component.

Each Compass/Radar prefab may have different Preset Objects based on the sprites used. You may need to set the specific values when you switch from one prefab to another.

Click the "Arrow" icon to quickly highlight the object, and the "Eye" icon to toggle the object on and off.

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