World & Dungeon Scenes


There are two scenes to explore. The player starts in the "World" scene, and later can travel to the "Dungeon" scene, where they can fight monsters including the feared "Demo Demon" boss.

We include two scenes to demonstrate the Save and Load module, and one way to transition between scenes in your project.

There are multiple points of interest in the scenes which demonstrate Game Module 4 features.

Hold "shift" while walking to move faster!

Gold Quest

The first quest the player experiences is right at the start. An NPC is blocking the path, asking for 100 gold. The player must have at least that much to succeed in the quest. There are "Demo / Debug Buttons" in the top left, one of which will add gold to the parties "Stat" list.

This demonstrates how the Stat module can be used to track points, such as gold or experience, as well as more robust stats or skills.

When you have sufficient gold, you will complete the quest. Your reward is actually -100 gold, which is how the system removes gold from your posession. Not all rewards are "good"!

Condition Pillars

The next section features three pillars which utilize the Conditions module.

Buffs and Debuffs

The right most pillar will give the active player the condition "Haste". This demonstrates the Condition module, and how it affects the players Stats automatically. Once added, everything else happens automatically!

You can see in the Condition list the "Haste" condition is added, and the stats are modified at that point. When the "Haste" condition expires, it is set to automatically be replaced with an "Exhausted" condition, which also affects stats. When that expires, stats return to normal. Check the UI panels to see all of this automatic amazingness.

Periodic Effects

The middle pillar will give "Poison" to the active player. This is a period effect condition. While active, every so often, the palyer will lose hit points. See the red health bar go down as this happens.

Once it expires, the health will no longer be drained.

Instant Effects

The left most pillar has a "Healing" instant effect. This is great to use after being poisoned!

This Condition is set to be "instant", meaning it will have an effect, but not be added to the GameConditionList on the object. There are many use cases for this kind of condition, and while you may achieve a "healing" effect in multiple ways, this works well for a single point of action.

Save the Puppy for the Sad Sad Goblin

The next quest is given by a sad goblin who has lost his puppy. This quest demonstrates a few features of the Quest module. In this quest, you must rescue a puppy before it dies to succeed. If the puppy dies, you fail.

However, you will not "fail" the quest until you return to the Goblin with the puppy -- dead or alive.

If you find the puppy and interact with it before it dies, you will "Succeed" in the quest when you return to the Goblin, and be rewarded with some items.

If you return to the Goblin with a dead dog, you will not get the items, and will have failed the quest. However, both outcomes will result in the big door opening, and an effect on your stats.

Quests can affect stats! Each quest can have effects on stats while the quest is "In Progress", "Succeeded" or "Failed. In this demo quest, your "Personality" stat will be increased if the quest succeeded, or decreased if it failed. This is a great way to add permenent stat changes to your actors based on their actions in the game.

Magic Pedestal & Projectiles

After going through the Big Door, the player may be hit by projectiles spawned out of a Magic Pedestal. This demonstrates how an Actor (in this case the enemy which is an object that happens to have Stats) can spawn projectiles that can then cause damage.

It also demonstrates one way to add damage to the player.

Treasure Box

There are a few treasure boxes around the world. This one has a bunch of weapons and armor. This demonstrates the LootBox module. This module is also used when getting loot after defeating enemies in the dungeon.

The loot is randomly generated. Once you collect it, be sure to equip it. Selecting a player portrait which is already active will load up the players inventory, demonstrating the "drag and drop" Inventory system. While you don't have to use this in your game, it's a great demo of how to have a fun mini-game inventory.

Final Quest

You finally will meet the last quest giver. This person will ask you to defeat the Demo Demon in the dungeon, but will also give you a choice in your reward. This is to demonstrate the Quest system feature allowing custom rewards to be added to GameQuest objects that were not part of the original Quest created in the inspector.

Also, if you select the "800 experience" option, notice that when you succeed in the quest later, each player is given 200 experience. If you dig into the code, you'll find that the "GameData" object has an "Experience" stat, and when that is modified, a method automatically divides the value amongst the active players.

Now you can go into the dungeon, showing how to transition between scenes in a game.


The dungeon features a few goblin enemies. These will not move toward you, but will attack you if you get close enough. By pressing the "interact" button or hitting the space key, you can attack the goblins. (Make sure you've equipped weapons!)

This demonstrates how you might set up the math behind damage and armor calculations using the Stats on your Actors. It also showcases how the LootBox module can be used to provide Loot to the players when the defeat bad guys.

Once the Goblins die, interact with them once more to "pick up" the body, which will disappear.

(You can also skip through by just running by them)

Demo Demon

Finally, at the end of the dungeon path, you'll find the fearsome Demo Demon. She's pretty easy to beat, as she'll admit to you. Once you defeat her, use the portal to warp back to the World scene.

Then, you can talk to the final quest giver, and complete the demo.

Lots to explore in the code

This walkthrough just scratches the surface of what this demo includes. The code is well commented and should be easy to follow. The most important classes have the most comments with explanations of why we do things this way or that.

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