You can set and reset overrides through the Northstar Overlay component (child of your Canvas), or on the individual Northstar Icons, whichever works best for your use case.
Remember, each Set method will have two signatures, one for a single icon, and one for all of a string type. There will also be two Reset methods for each. Each Set method will take in an appropriate value as well.
// Clamps the maximum opacity for the icon.SetOverrideMaxOpacity(northstarIcon,0.5f);ResetOverrideMaxOpacity(northstarIcon);// Clamps the maximum icon size.SetOverrideMaxSize(northstarIcon,30);ResetOverrideMaxSize(northstarIcon);// Sets the color of each of the icons// NOTE: Compass Bar color handled by NorthstarCompassbar!SetOverrideColor(northstarIcon,Color.Cyan); // Sets both Screen & Edge OverlayResetOverrideColor(northstarIcon); // Sets both Screen & Edge OverlaySetOverrideScreenColor(northstarIcon,Color.Cyan); // Screen Overlay OnlyResetOverrideScreenColor(northstarIcon); // Screen Overlay OnlySetOverrideEdgeColor(northstarIcon,Color.Cyan); // Edge Overlay OnlyResetOverrideEdgeColor(northstarIcon); // Edge Overlay Only// Sets the sprite to use for the icon. Color and opacity are handled separately.SetOverrideSprite(northstarIcon, newSpriteValue);ResetOverrideSprite(northstarIcon);// Sets the color of the "Arrow" icon at the edge overlay// Note: "Initial" color is the color when the arrow starts to appear// Note: Opacity is controlled by the maximum opacity of the icon!SetOverrideArrowColor(northstarIcon,Color.Yellow);ResetOverrideArrowColor(northstarIcon);SetOverrideArrowColorInitial(northstarIcon,Color.Yellow);ResetOverrideArrowColorInitial(northstarIcon);// Sets the minimum distance at which the distance opacity starts being affected. // (i.e. everything closer than this value is 100% "visible")SetOverrideDistanceMin(northstarIcon,50); // Sets both Screen & Edge OverlayResetOverrideDistanceMin(northstarIcon); // Sets both Screen & Edge OverlaySetOverrideScreenDistanceMin(northstarIcon,50); // Screen Overlay OnlyResetOverrideScreenDistanceMin(northstarIcon); // Screen Overlay OnlySetOverrideEdgeDistanceMin(northstarIcon,50); // Edge Overlay OnlyResetOverrideEdgeDistanceMin(northstarIcon); // Edge Overlay Only// Sets the maximum distance at which the distance opacity fades out. // (i.e. everything further than this value is 0% "visible")SetOverrideDistanceMax(northstarIcon,200); // Sets both Screen & Edge OverlayResetOverrideDistanceMax(northstarIcon); // Sets both Screen & Edge OverlaySetOverrideScreenDistanceMax(northstarIcon,200); // Screen Overlay OnlyResetOverrideScreenDistanceMax(northstarIcon); // Screen Overlay OnlySetOverrideEdgeDistanceMax(northstarIcon,200); // Edge Overlay OnlyResetOverrideEdgeDistanceMax(northstarIcon); // Edge Overlay Only