KeyValue Methods


Most often you'll grab values direction from the Dictionaries Methods, but if you have a KeyValue object, there are methods you can use to manage data.

KeyValue Structure

A KeyValue object has a string key, as well as a List<KeyValueList> values. This is where all the data is stored.

Each KeyValueList object has a string typeName and a List<KeyValueObject> objects.

Each KeyValueObject has a object obj, which is a cached object value, and a DictionariesObject DictionariesObject. (The actual variable is private _dictionariesObject, but the Property DictionariesObject is how we get and set the value.

It is not recommended to go so far into the data structure that you are managing KeyValueObject values directly, but instead to use the built in methods.

Get Methods

Get data out, or information.

// Get a value from the list. Note the Type must be provided
var firstItem = KeyValue.Value<Sprite>();
var randomItem = KeyValue.Value<Sprite>(true);
var itemInIndex4 = KeyValue.Value<Sprite>(false, 4);

// Get all values from the list as an array
var allStrings = KeyValue.Values<string>();
var allAudioClips = KeyValue.Values<AudioClip>();

// Get all values as a list
var allBools = KeyValue.ValuesList<bool>();

// Get all KeyValueObject objects as an array
Texture2D[] portraitObjects = keyValue.ValueObjects<Texture2D>();

// Get all KeyValueObject objects as a list
List<Texture2D> portraitObjects = keyValue.ValueObjectsList<Texture2D>();

// Number of different types in use on this KeyValue
int typesInUse = KeyValue.TypesInUse;

// Get the names of each type in use
string[] typesInUse = KeyValue.Types;

// Get the total objects in the list (each item in any list is one object)
int totalObjects = KeyValue.TotalObjects;

Add(), Remove(), and Set() Methods

Never set or add the values on the Scriptable Objects directly! Only set the values in the Game[Type] objects, such as GameCondition, GameStat, etc.

// Set a value
// note the type is determined by the type of the value provided. This means that
// passing in "3" will be an int, and "3f" would be a float!
SetValue(0, 3); // Set index 0 int value to 3
SetValue(3, "Some Text"); // Set index 3 string value to "Some Text"
SetValue(someIndex, audioClip); // Set index someIndex to AudioClip value to audioClip

// Add a value
AddValue(3.3f); // Add a float 3.3f
AddValue(Some Text"); // Add a string "Some Text"
AddValue(audioClip); // Add an AudioClip audioClip

// Remove the FIRST found value
RemoveValue(audioClip); // Remove the first AudioClip which matches audioClip

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