Screen & Edge Overlay


Screen overlays appear over objects which are in front of the camera.

Edge overlays appear at the edge of the screen, in the direction toward an object which is not in front of the camera.

Objects can have display logic unique to themselves -- that is, how one object looks does not have to be the same as the others in the project!

To be tracked with a Screen Overlay, objects must have a Tracked Target Overlay component on them.

In the Overrides / System Toggle section, objects can choose to override the enablement of the Screen Overlay (and other systems). If the left toggle is off, the default values set on the Northstar Screen Overlay object will be used.

If the left toggle is on, you have the option to force the system to be enabled or disabled for this specific object. This setting will override the selection on the Northstar Screen Overlay object. This means that even if "Screen Overlay" is off on the Northstar Screen Overlay object, an individual object can still be seen with the Screen Overlay.


While the Screen Overlay and Edge Overlay are two separate systems, when they are both active, icons will blend between them. Try it out in the demo scene. You can see the blend in action when the icons from a Screen Overlay get close to the edge.

During the transition, the size, color, opacity, and more can be transitioned, providing a super smooth, pleasing experience for your players.

Types & Override Values

Each Tracked Target Overlay object has a Type, and can override specific values. Learn more about each of these concepts, and how to make use of them, below.

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