Main Settings


Quest Settings & Rewards


Subscribe to Blackboard

When true, any GameQuest object created from this Quest will subscribe itself to the MainBlackboard. This is required to automatically manage the quest completion.

Query Every Frame

When true, the GameQuest will query the MainBlackboard every frame. While this is not a huge resources impact, it may not be ideal if you have many quests. When false, the GameQuest will update only when the Blackboard sends out notifications and events.

Auto Succeed & Auto Fail

When true, the GameQuest will automatically check for success and failure, and will run the "Quest Completed" code when one state is reached.

Set this false if you would like to control when the quest is completed. This is useful when you want the player to "Turn in" a quest, and provide any rewards etc at that point.

Sequential Steps

When this is false, if there are multiple Quest Steps, they can be completed in any order. Set this true to require the steps to be completed in sequential order. Even if a later step is complete, it will not be checked until the prior steps have been completed.


This is a convenience flag. It is entirely up to you how to display Quests to your players, but this flag may make it easier to determine whether to display the Quest to the player or not.

Has End Time

When true, this quest will automatically expire this many minutes from when it was added. On expiration, all Quest Steps will be marked as successful or failed, and will be marked "canRevert = false", meaning they can not revert back to a previous state.

You can choose to Remove, Succeed, or Fail on expiration.

Remove: The GameQuest will be automatically removed from the GameQuestList (if it is one), and will not trigger either success of failure.

Succeed: The quest will be marked as a success. This can be useful in making quests which require a player to "outlast" a specific amount of time.

Fail: The quest will be marked as failed. This is great for quests that must be completed before the timer runs out.

Note: You must also toggle on "Succeed Automatically" and/or "Fail Automatically" for the expiration to trigger success or failure methods.

Otherwise, rewards etc will not be triggered until you manually trigger them, though the quest details will have resolved to Success or Failed due to the time running out.

Success & Failure Rewards

Quest Rewards can be given to the Owner of the quest upon completion -- both for successful and failed completion. Quest Reward objects should be set up prior to adding them to these sections.

There are Success Rewards and Failure Rewards for the Quest as a whole as shown below. But there are also Success Rewards and Failure Rewards for each QuestStep.

Keep this in mind so you don't accidentally put the rewards in the wrong place!

You can add any number of Quest Reward objects.

Changing the values in the Quest Reward object here will change them for all places where they are used.

If you would like to have similar rewards based on each quest, you should set up multiple Quest Reward objects, then assign each one to the quest you'd like them to be on.

Last updated