
Magic Time - Local Time Scale is a powerful tool bringing independent and stackable time scale behaviors to your project.

Each Magic Time User has its own Local Time Scale and can subscribe to any number of additional Local Time Scales, combining their effects. For example, most projects will likely have a "Global" Local Time Scale object.

In the GIF below, the projectile and characters are passing through a Time Zone which automatically subscribes objects to its own LocalTimeZone, so they are affected by it.

Easy to Use

For each class that you want to have a Local Time Scale, inherit that from MagicTimeUser (a MonoBehaviour).

Then, whereever you'd call Time.deltaTime or similar Time values, call the DeltaTime (or similar) from your class instead! The object is now able to be controlled with Magic Time.

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Magic Time integrations seamlessly with Projectile Factory and Game Modules!

Magic Time for Projectile FactoryMagic Time for Game Modules

Last updated